Stealth Mode
    • Dark

    Stealth Mode

    • Dark

    Article summary

    Midjourney is an open-by-default community, and all image generations are visible at, including images created in private discord servers, direct messages, and on the Midjourney web app.

    Subscribers to the Pro and Mega plans have access to Stealth Mode. Stealth mode prevents your images from being visible to others on the Midjourney website. Use the /stealth and /public commands toggle between Stealth and Public mode.

    Stealth Mode Only Prevents Others From Viewing Your Images on!
    Images generated in public channels are always visible to other users, even when using Stealth Mode. To prevent others from seeing an image you create using Stealth Mode, generate images in your Direct Messages or on a private Discord server.

    If you cancel or downgrade your Midjourney subscription, previously created Stealth Mode images will remain unpublished.

    How to Switch to Stealth Mode

    Your website and Discord settings are separate. This includes your preference of Stealth or Public Mode. Double-check your Discord and website settings before generating any images to be sure they're set to the mode you want to use.

    In Discord

    Using Commands

    Use the /stealth as a standalone command in Discord to turn Stealth Mode on. Use /public to turn it off.

    Switching this way will apply your choice to all your future prompts until you use a different command to change modes, choose a different mode in your settings, or use the opposite parameter in your prompt.

    An animated gif showing the Midjourney /stealth command being typed into Discord

    Using Settings

    Use the /settings command to adjust your settings. The 🧍‍♂️Public button can be used to toggle between Stealth and Public mode.

    When the 🧍‍♂️Public button is green, you are making images in Public mode.

    When the 🧍‍♂️Public button is gray, you are making images in Stealth mode.

    Using Parameters

    To override your default visibility mode for a specific prompt, you can add the --stealth or --public parameter to the end.

    Using /info to check if you are in Stealth Mode

    Use the /info command to see information about your account. Visibility shows whether you are currently in Public or Stealth Mode.

    an image of the popup text shown in Discord after running the Midjourney /info command. The Visibility Mode section is highlighted

    On the Website

    Website Settings

    You can toggle Stealth Mode on and off in the website Settings menu:

    A red On button means Stealth Mode is enabled. A gray Off button means Public Mode is enabled. Click the button to toggle between them.

    Your choice will apply to all your prompts unless you use the opposite --stealth or --public parameter in an individual prompt.

    Publishing and Unpublishing Existing Images

    If your current subscription plan includes Stealth Mode, you can also publish or unpublish existing images on the website by using the bulk actions menu from your Archive page or the Options menu from within an individual image view.
