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    Article summary

    Create your own personalized images by ranking image pairs on and use the personalization parameter on your images.

    When you Rank Pairs Midjourney takes note of the kinds of images you prefer and can generate images for you based on your preferences.

    Add --p or --personalize to the end of your prompt on Discord or in the imagine bar on the website.

    • Personalization takes into account your choices when Ranking Pairs.
    • By default, --p applies your own personalization, but you can use the personalization of other users by adding their shortcode to the parameter: --p shortcode.
    • --p can be used with Midjourney Version 6.

    You'll only be able to use --p if you've done enough Rank Pairs on the website. Otherwise, Midjourney won't have enough data to create your personalization. If you try to use --p without enough data, you'll see an error message directing you to do more ranking.


    Prompt: a cat in a field of poppies
    Without personalization

    a grid of four cat images generated by Midjourney with the prompt 'a cat in a field of poppies', showing a mix of default styles

    Prompt: a cat in a field of poppies --p
    With personalization

    a grid of four cat images generated by Midjourney with the text prompt 'a cat in a field of poppies' and the --p parameter, showing four images generated with personalization

    Personalization in Settings

    On Discord you can use the 🙋 Personalization button in your Midjourney settings (run the /settings command wherever you use the bot) to automatically add the --p parameter to all your prompts.

    a screenshot of the /settings window in Discord showing the Personalization button

    On the website you can turn Personalization on in the settings window to automatically add --p to all your prompts. Click the icon in the imagine bar to access the settings window on web.

    a screenshot of the settings window on showing the Personalization setting


    Every Midjourney user has a shortcode that can be used to invoke their personalization. By default, when you use --p in a prompt, your shortcode will be added to the prompt: --p ➡️ --p yourshortcode.

    If you know another user's shortcode, you can use add it to --p in the prompt to generate images using their personalization instead of yours: --p theirshortcode.

    Stylize with Personalization

    When using --p, the --stylize (--s) parameter controls how much of your personalization is applied to the image. A lower --s value will limit the personalization, while a higher --s value will increase it. The stylize parameter accepts values from 0 to 1000. The default is 100.

    prompt example: /imagine prompt a cat in a field of poppies

    --s 50

    a grid of four cat images generated by Midjourney with the text prompt 'a cat in a field of poppies' and the --p parameter, using --s 50

    --s 800

    a grid of four cat images generated by Midjourney with the text prompt 'a cat in a field of poppies' and the --p parameter, using --s 800