Text Generation
    • Dark

    Text Generation

    • Dark

    Article Summary

    With Midjourney Version 6, you can use double quotation marks (") around words or phrases in your prompts to specify text you want to appear in your images.

    • When using Midjourney Version 6, you can use "quotation marks" to indicate parts of your prompt you want to appear in your image as text: a cyberpunk cat with a neon sign that says "Midjourney".
    • Single quote marks/apostrophes won't work--Midjourney only recognizes "words and phrases in double quotations" as text that should appear in the resulting image.
    • Text generation is supported for standard Latin alphabet (English) characters. Shorter words and phrases are more likely to be generated accurately.
    • If you're having trouble generating the exact word or phrase in your prompt, try using --style raw or lower Stylize values, or try using Vary Region to correct small issues.


    /imagine prompt: a cyberpunk cat with a neon sign that says "Midjourney"

    image of a cyberpunk cat with its paws on a neon sign that reads 'Midjourney,' generated with Midjourney using the prompt 'a cyberpunk cat with a neon sign that says 'Midjourney'

    /imagine prompt: a pastel watercolor landscape with "/imagine" written in the clouds

    a watercolor landscape with pine trees, pastel clouds, and the phrase '/imagine' in a dark stylized font in the middle, genered with Midjourney using the prompt `a pastel watercolor landscape with the phrase '/imagine' written in the clouds'

    /imagine prompt: a cartoon drawing of a manual with the words "read the docs" in big text on the pages

    a cartoon drawing of a man's hands holding an open book with 'read the docs' spelled out across the top of two pages, generated with Midjourney using the prompt 'a cartoon drawing of a manual with the words 'read the docs' in big text on the pages