User Info
    • Dark

    User Info

    • Dark

    Article summary

    Use the /info command to see information about your current queued and running jobs, subscription type, renewal date, and more.

    Image showing the user information popup generated after using the /info command

    User ID

    Your Midjourney User ID


    The Subscription section shows which plan you are subscribed to and your next renewal date.

    Visibility Mode

    Shows whether you are currently in Public or Stealth Mode. Stealth Mode is only available to Pro Plan subscribers.

    Fast Time Remaining

    Shows your remaining Fast GPU time for the month. Fast GPU time resets monthly and does not carry over.

    Ranking Count

    Shows your total number of ranked images, along with the number of images ranked in the last 30 days.

    Lifetime Usage

    Shows your lifetime Midjourney stats. Images include all types of generations (initial image grids, upscales, variations, remix, etc).

    Fast, Turbo and Relaxed Usage

    Shows your Fast, Turbo and Relaxed Mode usage.

    Queued Fast and Relaxed Jobs

    Lists all Jobs queued to run.

    Running Jobs

    Lists all Jobs currently running. A maximum of three jobs can run at the same time.

    Use the Info Command

    Type /info in any Bot Channel or your Direct Messages. Only you will be able to see your Info popup.
    Animated Gif showing how to use the Info command