Explore Page
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    Explore Page

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    Article summary

    From the Explore page, discover what's possible with Midjourney and find fun, exciting, and beautiful prompts to inspire your own creativity.

    On the Explore page, you'll find images generated by other users and can quickly use those prompts and images to inspire your own unique creations.

    Create, Search, and View Images

    Imagine Bar

    Enter prompts, manage image references, and adjust your settings from the imagine bar. For more information on how website image creation works, visit the Create tab documentation.

    Search Prompts

    Search images generated by all Midjourney users. You can search for prompt text (for example cyberpunk cats) or parameters (like --chaos 100) to see how other Midjourney users are prompting.

    Explore Page Sorting Options

    By default, the Explore page shows a selection of random, recently generated images by other users. You can click the Randomize button on the right to see a different set of images or use the sorting options to switch between different views:

    • Random: Random recent images from the Midjourney community
    • Hot: Trending images
    • Top (Day, Week, Month): The top-rated images from the chosen time period
    • Likes: Images from other users you've liked / ❤️ed

    Hover over an Image

    When you mouse over an image on the Explore page, you'll see new details and options.


    The username of the Midjourney user who generated the image. Click on it to see their public Midjourney images.

    Use as Image Prompt

    Add this image as an image prompt to the imagine bar at the top of the page.

    Edit Prompt

    Add this prompt, including parameters and any image prompts or reference images, to the imagine bar at the top of the page.

    Search Image

    Search for other images like this one.

    Like Image

    Like / ❤️ other users' images so they appear in your "Liked" view.

    Click on an Image

    When you click on a single image on the Explore page, you'll see additional details, including the prompt and parameters used to generate it.

    1. Prompt Text and Parameters

    The full prompt, including the parameters, their values, and any reference images appear here.

    2. Menu Buttons

    Manually copy prompt details, including the image URL and prompt, to use in your own generations.
    Use the "Report" option from this menu to report content you believe violates our Community Guidelines.

    Find images similar to this one.

    Like / ❤️ other users' images so they appear in your "Liked" view.

    3. Use

    These buttons allow you to quickly and easily use this image in your own prompts.

    4. Explore Feed

    Click through to other nearby images from the Explore feed. You can also use your mouse wheel to scroll through these images from anywhere on the page.