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    Article Summary

    Midjourney regularly introduces new model versions to improve coherency, efficiency, quality, and style. You can switch model versions using the --version or --v parameter or using the /settings command and selecting your preferred model version. Different models excel at producing different types of images.

    • --version accepts the values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, and 6.
    • --version can be abbreviated --v.
    • --v 6 is the current default model.

    Model Version 6

    Midjourney Model Version 6 has enhanced prompt accuracy for longer inputs, improved coherence and knowledge, and advanced image prompting and remixing capabilities.

    Midjourney Model Version 6 was released on December 20, 2023, and became the default model on February 14, 2024.

    Midjourney Version 6 example image of the prompt Vibrant California Poppies
    Prompt: vibrant California poppies --v 6
    Midjourney Version 6 example image of the prompt high contrast surreal collage
    Prompt: high contrast surreal collage --v 6

    Model Version 6 + Style Raw Parameter

    Midjourney Model Version 6 can be fine-tuned with the --style raw parameter to help achieve more photographic or more literal results.

    Read more about the Midjourney --style parameter.

    default --v 6
    Midjourney Version v6 example image of the prompt vibrant california poppies --v 6 vibrant California poppies --v 6
    --v 6 --style raw
    Midjourney Version v6 example image of the prompt vibrant california poppies --v 6 --style raw vibrant California poppies --v 6 --style raw
    default --v 6
    Midjourney Version v6 example image of the prompt fruit salad tree  --v 6 fruit salad tree --v 6
    --v 6 --style raw
    Midjourney Version v6 example image of the prompt fruit salad tree --v 6 --style raw fruit salad tree --v 6 --style raw

    Model Version 5.2

    The Midjourney V5.2 model was released in June 2023. To use this model, add the --v 5.2 parameter to the end of a prompt, or use the /settings command and select 5️⃣ MJ Version 5.2

    Version 5.2 was the default model from June 22, 2023 to February 14, 2024.

    This model produces more detailed, sharper results with better colors, contrast, and compositions. It also has a slightly better understanding of prompts than earlier models and is more responsive to the full range of the --stylize parameter.

    Midjourney Version 5.2 example image of the prompt Vibrant California Poppies
    Prompt: vibrant California poppies --v 5.2
    Midjourney Version 5.2 example image of the prompt high contrast surreal collage
    Prompt: high contrast surreal collage --v 5.2

    Model Version 5.2 + Style Raw Parameter

    Midjourney Model Versions 5.1 and 5.2 can be fine-tuned with the --style raw parameter to reduce the Midjourney default aesthetic.

    Read more about the Midjourney --style parameter.

    default --v 5.2
    Midjourney Version v5.2 example image of the prompt vibrant california poppies --v 5.2 vibrant California poppies
    --v 5.2 --style raw
    Midjourney Version v5.2 example image of the prompt vibrant california poppies --v 5.2 vibrant California poppies --style raw
    default --v 5.2
    Midjourney Version v5.2 example image high contrast surreal collage --v 5.2 high contrast surreal collage
    --v 5.2 --style raw
    Midjourney Version v5.2 example image high contrast surreal collage --v 5.2 high contrast surreal collage --style raw

    Niji Model 6

    The Niji model is a collaboration between Midjourney and Spellbrush tuned to produce anime and illustrative styles with vastly more knowledge of anime, anime styles, and anime aesthetics. It's excellent at dynamic and action shots and character-focused compositions.

    To use this model, add the --niji 6 parameter to the end of a prompt, or use the /settings command and select 🌈 Niji version 6

    Niji 6 example image of the prompt Vibrant California Poppies
    Prompt: vibrant California poppies --niji 6
    Niji 6 example image of the prompt high contrast surreal collage
    Prompt: high contrast surreal collage --niji 6

    Niji 6 vs. Midjourney Version 6

    --v 6
    Midjourney Version v6 example image of the prompt vibrant california poppies --v 6 vibrant California poppies --v 6
    --niji 6
    niji 6 example image of the prompt vibrant california poppies --niji 6 vibrant California poppies --niji 6
    --v 6
    Midjourney Version v6 example image of the prompt fruit salad tree  --v 6 fruit salad tree --v 6
    --niji 6
    niji 6 example image of the prompt fruit salad tree --niji 6 fruit salad tree --v 6 --style raw

    How to Switch Models

    Use the Version Parameter

    Add --v 6 --v 6 --style raw --v 5.2 --v 5.2 --style raw --niji 6 or --niji 6 style raw to the end of your prompt.

    Animated Gif showing how the Midjourney version parameter is typed

    Use the Settings Command

    Type /settings and select your preferred version from the menu.

    6️⃣ MJ Version 6 5️⃣ MJ Version 5.2 🌈 Niji Version 6

    Legacy Models

    You can experiment with early Midjourney models using the --version parameter Read more about Midjourney Legacy Models.