Community Guidelines
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    Community Guidelines

    • Dark

    Article summary


    Midjourney is an open-by-default community. To keep the platform accessible and welcoming to the broadest number of users, content must be “Safe For Work” (SFW).

    We have 4 main rules

    1. Be kind and respect each other
    2. SFW content only
    3. Be thoughtful about how you share your creations
    4. Unauthorized automation & third party apps are not allowed

    Thank you for helping us make Midjourney a safe, welcoming space for everyone.

    If you see someone violating these guidelines, you can report it here.

    Please use these incredible powers with joy, wonder, responsibility and respect.


    1. Be kind and respect each other
      1. Be kind and respect each other and staff. Violent behavior, harassment or incitement of any kind will not be tolerated.
      2. Do not create images or use text prompts that are inherently disrespectful, aggressive, or otherwise abusive.
      3. Do not create or use imagery of real people, famous or otherwise, that could be used to harass, abuse, defame, or otherwise harm.
      4. Respect others’ rights. Do not attempt to find out others' private information. Do not upload others’ private information.
    2. SFW content only
      1. Do not create or attempt to create gore or adult content. Avoid making visually shocking or disturbing content.
      2. What is Considered Gore? Gore includes images of detached body parts of humans or animals, cannibalism, blood, violence (images of shooting or bombing someone, for instance), mutilated bodies, severed limbs, pestilence, etc.
      3. What is NSFW or Adult Content? Avoid nudity, sexual organs, fixation on such things, sexualized imagery, fetishes, people in showers, on toilets, etc.
      4. Do not create or attempt to create content that in any way sexualizes children or minors. This includes real images as well as generated images. Do not generate, upload, share, or make attempts to distribute content that depicts, promotes, or attempts to normalize child sexual abuse.
      5. Do not create other offensive content. Other things may be deemed offensive or abusive because they can be viewed as racist, homophobic, disturbing, or in some way derogatory to a community. This includes offensive or inflammatory images of celebrities or public figures.
    3. Be thoughtful about how you share your creations
      1. Do not publicly repost the creations of others without their permission.
      2. Be careful about sharing. It’s okay to share your creations outside of the Midjourney community, but please consider how others might view your content.
      3. Do not generate images to spread misinformation or disinformation.
      4. Do not generate images for political campaigns or to try to influence the outcome of an election.
      5. Do not generate images to attempt to or to actually deceive or defraud anyone.
      6. Do not intentionally mislead recipients of generated images about their nature or source.
    4. Unauthorized automation and third party apps are not allowed
      1. In order to maintain the highest quality experience for all users, Midjourney accounts are designed for individual use and each user may maintain only one account.
      2. With a few rare exceptions that are explicitly granted, Midjourney does not provide an API, nor provide third-party apps or scripts, and automating interactions with Midjourney service is strictly prohibited according to our Terms of Service. Accounts who do not comply with these rules may be blocked.
      3. You may not resell or redistribute Midjourney Services or access to the Service (this includes sharing your account).
    5. Moderation Policy Notes
      1. Midjourney will block some text and image inputs automatically. An input not being automatically blocked does not necessarily mean that it is allowed.
      2. Users who violate the Terms of Service may be warned by a community moderator, given a time-out, or be blocked from the service.
      3. If you see someone else’s content that breaks the rules, please report it.
    6. Overall Policy Notes
      1. The above rules apply to all content, including images made in private servers, images deleted/hidden, using Stealth Mode, in direct messages with the Midjourney Bot, and Midjourney websites.
      2. Any violations of these rules may lead to bans from our services.
      3. Midjourney is both a product and community. We may revoke your access to the community separately from access to the product.
      4. Content guidelines are continually reviewed and may be modified as the Midjourney community grows.
      5. Do not generate images for illegal activity or upload images to our servers that involve illegal activity, or where the uploading itself may be illegal.
      6. This is not an exhaustive list. We may take action against users that violate the spirit of these guidelines, even if their actions are not explicitly prohibited.
      7. We are a small team striving to balance the needs of the broadest number of users in our community. Our decision making process is not a democracy, but we take feedback on moderation very seriously.
      8. Most importantly, have fun!

    Self-Policing and Reporting

    Occasionally prompts will unintentionally produce not safe for work content. Please self-police these images by using the ❌ emoji reaction or by right-clicking selecting Apps and then clicking Cancel Job to delete the image.

    Users may flag any image for moderator review by right-clicking selecting Apps, and then clicking Report Job within Discord or the website by selecting ... under an image and clicking Report.

    Report Images in Discord
    Image showing how to right click go to apps and select report jobs through discord
    Report Images on the Website
    Image showing how to click the ellipse under an image to report jobs on the midjourney website.